Emma Louise Charalambous is a freelance photographer whose distinct style has caught the attention of various entities from high end businesses to cultural event organisers and non-profit organisations. The vibrancy of her work reflects her personality; both factors have become key elements in her success.
After completing a BA in Environmental Sciences at the University of Nottingham she enrolled in a Masters in Documentary Photography and Photojournalism at the University of Westminster. Exercising her creative pursuit; she returned to Cyprus to shoot ‘Bloodhound’, a project that developed into her first self-published photobook. ‘Bloodhound’ was exhibited in London at AMBIKA P3 Gallery (2015) and at ‘IAPT Photobook Exhibition’ (2018) at Korai in Nicosia, Cyprus. This became the first of many projects that fuse her two passions: photography and environmental awareness.
For over 10 years, as a freelance photographer, Emma has worked on collaborations with a variety of entities including NGO’s, visual and performance artists, and corporate businesses, and has also completed numerous assignments for newspapers and magazines. Her commercial work with local and international clients spans across various industries, usually focusing on product photography and content creation. Although she boasts a dynamic roster of clients, the rounded experience has ignited a particular interest in the food market where it seems she has found her niche.
Emma proudly presents a portfolio that translates her artistic values while working within different industry sectors. She makes an effort to collaborate with local and ethically conscious clients, though her work is not limited to it. Her personal ethos is best represented in her collections of professional highlights and photo-journalistic projects where she aims to empower awareness through her medium.
Her more characteristic commissioned productions, comprise photographic coverage for most major cultural events on the island. From grassroot to high-profile events, you’ll probably spot Emma capturing all the best bits… if you do, say hello and smile! :-)